In our bust lives, in which it seems we are always striving for more - more money, more cars, more vacations, more stuff - our work life balance gets screwed up. And then for those of us who have our own businesses, trying our hands at books, music, podcasts, self help seminars, etc. this balance can get even more complicated.
What tends to complicate this the most, especially for those of us who are working in the self employment sphere, is convincing our family, oncluding spouses, partners, and children, that what we are doing is meaningful, important, and fruitful.
I am not an expert in this area, and the Lord knows I have screwed up my work life balance more than once, but here are some simple things that I have done, especially with my wife, to help her see my vision when it comes to my writing.
If you have a spouse, partner, or other family members that are actively questioning what you’re doing, what you’re selling, etc., try these steps and see if it helps. I know it helped my family understand what I was doing.
Involve them in your process:
The more your family can see, up close, what you do, the more they will buy into it, especially if they see your passion in what you’re doing. If you are a recording artist, bring them along to band practice or a recording session. If you are an author, bring them to a comic-con or book convention. Take them with you to an author’s meeting. Bring them on your podcast. Let them sit in while you interview other people. Let them see what you do and let them experience why it gives you the passion it does.
Show them your vision:
Does your spouse or partner know what your goals are with your endeavor? Do you have a dream board you can show them, maybe your written goals, or have you even sat down with them and told them, ernestly, what your vision is? People don’t know if we don’t tell them. As an author, I always get the “Oh, good for you,” response as if I am some kid showing my mom a poorly drawn finger painting. No. This is something that will one day bring in full time money. This is something I believe helps other people. This is something I know can change my family’s future. Don’t just let them see the process. Let them understand your vision.
Show them your success:
Don’t be shy about your successes, however big or small. I remember being excited about my very first ever organic sale on Amazon. It brought in a whopping $2 in royalties, but I still celebrated this with my wife and family, showing them how exctied this made me. That is so important. And with each success, let your family know so they can celebrate it with you. Again, this will show them your passion for the thing you do.
Be Realistic:
Lastly, be realistic. Writing brings in extra money…most months. COVID screwed most of us up in many ways. It destroyed for a long time an extra stream of income for me in regards to my books, especially as people realized they had dwindling extra reserves. I cannot show my wife my passion and vision, my successes and process, and then just assume she is going to handle all the day to day stuff so I write and worry about nothing else. I have kids, parents, friends, a job, and people who rely on me. In order to get your family, especially your partner or spouse, to buy into what you’re doing, you need to manage the other aspects of your life. Take care of the kids, homework, other jobs. If you fail your other responsibilities, the only thing you can expect from your family and friends is resentment. I have found that most people will back you up if they know you are passionate about what you’re doing, as long as you are pulling your weight in the rest of your life’s responsibilities.
I hope this helps! Like I said, I am no expert, but these are some ideas and things that have helped me.
And if you are interested in the fruits of my labor, you can always check out my work at either Amazon, or my website store!